Published in Iraq

Teaching NameSearch TitlePublished scientific journalYear of publicationNumber and edition
M. M. Zahraa Jaspa HameedDetermination the Correlation Between Estradiol Hormone and some Clotting Factors in Pregnant Women Journal of Kerbala University2015Vol. 13 No.2
Mohamed SalahDetection of Oxa-10 and Per-1 Gene among Pseudomonas aeruginosa isolated from burn patient in Kerbala cityAl Baher Magazine2015Volum (3), N (5)
Dr. Naima Hamid MaoufProliferative efficiency of an insect Black Aphis fabae Scopoli (Homoptera: Aphididae)Babel University Magazine/Pure Science And applied2015Issue (3) Volume (23)
Dr. Naima Hamid MaoufEstimation of Interferon-α (IFN-α) and Tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) in female rats immunized by Human Breast Cancer Cell Line T47DJournal of the University of Babylon2016Volum (24)
Dr. Naima Hamid MaoufEstimating CD56 and Perforin in Rats Primed by Breast Cancer Cell Line T47DJournal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences2016Volum (24), N (5)
Dr. Naima Hamid MaoufThe Relationship between Chemotherapy and Level of IL-10 in Patients with Breast CancerJournal of Global Pharma Technology2018Volum (10), N (08)
Um al Mohammed KhudairThe Immediate Effect of Crude Miswack Extract against some Bacterial isolates from Gingivitis  AL-Qadisiyha Journal for Science2016Vol. 21
N (1)
M. M. Huda Mohammed Kazem Jawad Abed Dear AsadiDiagnosis of fungi and isolated yeasts Of immunoimpaired patients by biochemical and molecular methodsAL-Bahir-Quarterly Refereed Journal for Natural and Engineering Science2016Vol. 3, No. 5 and 6, p. (49-61) A
Taghreed Abd NajmEvaluation the phagocytosis Activity in patients with type II diabetes mellitusKarbala Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences2014No. 7 
Qasim Hammadi Abd FadelEffect of bisphenol-A-on reproductive system of Female rats (Rattus Norvegicus)Journal of Karbala University 2016
Issue (246) edition (4067)
Qasim Hammadi Abd FadelEffect of bisphenol-A-on some immunological Parameters of female rats (Rattus Norvegicus)Journal of Karbala University 2016
Issue (173) edition (3979)
Qasim Hammadi Abd Fadel Effect of Bisphenol-A-on some biochemical and hematological parameters of female Rats (Rattus Norvegicus) Journal of Albahir 2016
Issue (450) edition (BSBI148)
Wafa Sadiq HussainEvaluate the efficiency of two water treatment Plants of drinking Journal of Karbala University2014     (1-9)
Alaa Adnan al-JanabiEffect of water and alcohol Extracts from Nerium oleander L. In control nematode larvae Meloidogyne Incognita and some non-target organisms  Journal of Karbala University2013Volume 11–Third issue
Alaa Adnan al-JanabiEvaluation of the inhibitory Effect of some citrus juices in bacteria klebsiellae pneumonia in vitro  Journal of Karbala University2017Volume 15-Issue 4  
Khalid Abdulkazem HadiThe effect of mixing antihistamine with Aminoclicside on multi-antibiotic-resistant volatilityJournal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences2013No. (4)/Vol. (21)
Khalid Abdulkazem HadiStudy the Plasmapide for fluctuations Multi-antibiotic resistance Journal of Babylon University/Pure and Applied Sciences2014No. (2) Vol. (22)
Maythen Fakhry HatemThe effect of a case above the arteral in the rate Heart and allaktk acid accumulation and size of the limbs muscles for young basketball playersJournal of Science of Physical Education University Basra First edition Research volume 5th scientific Conference of Science Training and Sports
Maythen Fakhry HatemThe impact of computer technologies for the curriculum A tutorial with special strikes to break the rhythm of play according to the analysis of the final championship matches Earth Tennis Professionals London 2016European Journal of Science Technology SportsSpecial issue of the Sixth International Scientific Conference of the University of Basra First edition
Maythen Fakhry HatemThe balance of muscular forces between the muscles of the working arm And its relationship to the accuracy of the front and rear strike in table tennis for juniorsEuropean Journal of Sport Science Technology First edition  University of Babylon College of Physical Education and Sports Sciences
Maythen Fakhry HatemProportion of the contribution of some aspects of muscular strength and their relationship accurately Passes (short, medium and long) Research Journal of Sulaymaniyah International Scientific Conference First edition Sulaimania University College of Physical Education And sports science
Ali Karim We lingerThe effect of using the interactive method To learn some basic offensive skills in handball for faculty of Education students Sports University Al QadissiyahThe scientific journal of Lahoum Education Physical and Sports Mansoura University2015Twenty-fourth-first edition
Dr. Moaz H. Ali AbotiheenFinite Element Analysis is A Powerful Approach to Predictive Manufacturing ParametersJournal of the University of Babylon2018Volume (26), Issue (1)