Seminar titled “Organized Crime and Its Threat to National Security and Stability.”

**The Continuing Education Division at Al-Safwa University College, in collaboration with the Law Department, held a seminar titled “Organized Crime and Its Threat to National Security and Stability.”**

– Assoc. Prof. Dr. Mohammed Abdul Ali Al-Ghazali
– Assist. Prof. Dr. Haidar Abdul Redha Al-Zalmi

The seminar covered the definition of organized crimes, their forms, and their internal and international impacts on national security and stability, as well as their economic and social effects.

The speakers also addressed the causes of the emergence of organized crimes and effective ways to curb them, especially in Iraq. They discussed Iraq’s accession to the United Nations Convention against Transnational Organized Crime, which Iraq joined under Law No. 20 of 2007. Furthermore, they highlighted several legislations supporting the fight against organized crime, including the Anti-Terrorism Law, the Anti-Drug and Psychotropic Substances Law, the Anti-Money Laundering and Terrorism Financing Law, and the Anti-Human Trafficking Law.

